23.2 Terms and conditions

The Terms and Conditions and Terms and Conditions Template options in the Issuance Settings section of the credential profile determine whether the cardholder must read and sign a set of terms and conditions before activating their card.

23.2.1 Viewing audited terms and conditions

When the terms and conditions are accepted, and the signing event takes place, an audit record is created to capture the event and the signing detail. You can see this acceptance in the Audit Reporting workflow;, select the audit record created by the activation process and locate the audit trace record:

"User: [target user logon name], card [device serial number], accepted terms and conditions"

If the Assisted Activation workflow has been used, and the system is configured to store terms and conditions (see section 11.6.6, Storing signed terms and conditions) a link to the information displayed is included. Technical detail is held within the audit trace record:

"Validated data signed by [target user logon name]"

Double-click on this row to open the detailed view. Click View Data to show the signing details.

23.2.2 Known issues